Day 8

Day 8

Video transcription Yesterday’s video introduced the idea of 2 kinds of endings to a day or a week. They are the machine ending and the living ending. The living ending, which we do each night in the check-in, is started by your Witness hero. It then continues with...
Day 8

Day 7

Video transcription So it’s Sunday – the end of the week. And just as beginnings are important, so too are endings. Whether it’s the end of the week, or the end of a day, the ending is an invisible but important boundary in time. You may recall...
Day 8

Day 6

Video transcription Good morning and welcome to Day 6 of your Smartstart habit building project. Yesterday I left you with the suggestion that if you are trying to build something new in your life, then engaging your Master hero to ask “what is important to...
Day 8

Day 5

Video transcription This morning I want to talk to you about … this morning. Morning’s have several distinctive characteristics, but in the context of building a new habit there is one that is more important than any other; and that is that they are the...
Day 8

Day 4

Video transcription In yesterday’s video I talked about the idea that whilst we experience ourselves a single cohorent “self” we are in fact made up of a number of “selves”. Collectively these selves make up a kind of community of selves...